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Stencil Issue
1499 4
cjohnson 6 years ago
We usually have good results with JLCPCB, with some exceptions, but this time I'm having a really hard time with the QA department of JLCPCB on our most recent order. The PCBs were manufactured exactly as we ordered them. I used the Panel by JLCPCB with a 3X x 2Y panel, with edge rails. The stencil was ordered with the panel, but the panel I received is rotated 90* from the correct orientation of the panel. Anyone who has used pick and place equipment knows that the edge rails are for riding in the rails of the machine, so the pneumatic latches have empty board to grab on to. Here's two pictures, one of the board laying on the stencil with the stencil inserted in to the machine (its a 520x420 framed stencil) and a second picture, showing the board in the rails of the machine using the orientation from the stencil (obviously not going to work). ![image.png](// ![image.png](// I have an email chain going with JLCPCB support right now, but they seem to think that issue is with my design? I don't play a part in designing the stencil, it was ordered with the panel, so I take no part in designing the stencil. I've asked for a replacement, but the QA department says they can't. I'm willing to pay for a new stencil, but they are not giving that as an option either.
johnsoncolb 6 years ago
Anyone from the support team want to comment on this?
lilyyang000 6 years ago
@[cjohnson](, Basically, if the file for your pcb is in panel, we will put the side with edge rails on the long size of the stencil. But  in the case that if the size is not big enough, then we may adjust its orientation. If you want to make the edge rail on the long side of the stencil, then you had better to make a note about it, then we will make it as your note shows. Thanks!
cjohnson 6 years ago
@lilyyang000 Thank you so much Lily, I now understand the issue and we will order using that note in the future.
rom1nux 5 years ago
Hello, "...But  in the case that if the size is not big enough, then we may adjust its orientation..." Good thing to known !
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