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The parcel returned to the sender.
1606 5
servmv 7 years ago
The parcel returned to the sender, Hlf8qI0ic LM332688730CN. Country of destination 2017-04-05 22:28 China 510142, Acceptance, 170028 170028 Country of dispatch 2017-04-08 16:30 Guangzhou, delivered and signed for, recipient: I accept 2017-04-08 16:25 In Guangzhou, Guangdong Province postal courier logistics limited Guangzhou international business posted sales arrangements, expected delivery by 23:59:00 (Messenger name: Wu Wenfei; Tel:) 2017-04-05 22:28 Guangdong postal courier logistics international business sales department huadiwan – vote has been received (the embrace cast member name: He Wenzheng, Tel:) Displays the status of "delivered".
dillon 7 years ago
We will reship it. for airmail, some time has such trouble.
dillon 7 years ago the status is OK, just need to waiting
servmv 7 years ago
What is normal? The package was delivered. To whom?
servmv 7 years ago
In the office of the EMS_RU Company, it is reported that the parcel was returned. Why there is no new code?
servmv 7 years ago : "Your item was delivered(GuangDongShengGuangZhouShi 51063000) at 2017-04-08 16:30:00 Signed for by:本人收"
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