You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Tips for further enhancements of EasyEDA
609 2
jonasforssell 3 years ago
Thank you for easyEda! This is not the most powerful PCB designer out there, but it has a number of very good advantages: 1\. It runs in the Browser\. Far superior to having a local installation\! 2\. It has a thight connection to JLPCB and LCSC 3\. It is free Now here are some suggestions for the future: \- Drop the standalone version\. It only takes valuable resources from the team which should help out on the cloud version instead\. It would also eliminate any need to keep the versions in sync\. \- Enhance the connection to JLCPCB\. Right now I need to extract all three files \(Gerber\, BOM\, Pick\-and\-Place\) and upload by hand\. How about a one\-click solution for this? \- Allow for "basic parts" to be an option from the JLPCB library selection\. For many components\, this is a way to keep the costs down so that is a really appreciated option\. \- Simplify\. Try to reduce the number of commands even further\. Arc\, Bow and Circle are all variations of the same theme\.\.\. \- Enhance the version handling with versions\, branches and merge possibilities\. Have a look at Onshape which has very graphic world leading implementation of this\! \- Allow two people to be able to work on the same \(cloud based\) design simultaniously\. Once again\, have a look at Onshape to see how well this can be done\. Finally, I would like to thank you for the always kind and prompt support. In particular from Andy! Keep up the good work! /Jonas - Sweden
UserSupport 3 years ago
Hi thank for your suggestions 1, you can try desktop client - project mode, it only need to login, the library is save to server, project save to local 2, JLCPCB are working on it, they will support it in two weeks 3, it will be supported at Pro edition 4, Pro editon will be more powerful, at present features are good 5, It is hard to implement at our design and file format, but we will try 6, same as no.5
andyfierman 3 years ago
@jonasforssell, Thank you! :)
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