You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Tko u Hrvatskoj radi pripremu za tiskane pločice iz EasyEDA sheme?
630 11
ffval 3 years ago
<span><span><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Da li netko u Hrvatskoj radi pripremu za tiskane pločice iz sheme EasyEDA?</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Radi se o pomoćnom relejnom sklopu za upravljanje motorom za kojeg sam izradio shemu ali ne znam dalje kako se pretvoriti u oblik tiskanih pločica.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Koristio sam releje Schrack RT424024 i kad želim da pretvorim u PCB ne prepoznaje navede releje.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pokušao sam u fritzing programu i nisam uspio. </font></font></span></span>
andyfierman 3 years ago
Možete dobiti PCB proizvođača JLCPCB. Ako svoj projekt možete učiniti javnim i objaviti mu URL, možemo vam pomoći riješiti probleme koji se mogu pojaviti kada pokušate pretvoriti shemu u PCB. <br> You can have the PCB manufactured by JLCPCB. If you can make your project public and post the URL to it, we can help you fix the problems you may be having when you try to convert your schematic to PCB.
ffval 3 years ago
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ne koristim engleski jezik pa se koristim google prevoditeljem.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ovo može biti prilično loše i nerazumno.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pokušao sam učiniti kako ste predložili, ali nisam siguran da sam sve dobro učinio.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hvala ti i doviđenja</font></font>
andyfierman 3 years ago
Je li ovo url vašeg projekta? [](<br> <br> * Možete pokušati koristiti Bing Translate kao i Google Translate.  Ponekad Bing daje drugačiji prijevod, pa usporedba s Googleom može pomoći. <br> <br> Is this the url of your project? <br> You can try using Bing Translate as well as Google Translate. Sometimes Bing gives a different  translation so comparing it with Google can help.
ffval 3 years ago
Yes, this is my project.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@ffval, Prije nego što se bilo koji sklop nacrtan u shemi može pretvoriti u izgled PCB-a, pinovi na svakom shematskom simbolu moraju se preslikati na ispravne jastučiće PCB Footprinta koji odgovaraju veličini, obliku i pinoutu fizičkog paketa uređaja za lemljenje na PCB. To se postiže osiguravanjem da svaki simbol u shemi ima odgovarajući otisak PCB-a. Problem vaše sheme je taj što za releje niste koristili shematske simbole preuzete iz knjižnice. Sve što imate u shemi su neke crte koje izgledaju poput simbola. Evo korisničkog shematskog simbola i otiska PCB-a: ![image.png](// **Morate provjeriti simbol i otisak prema podacima proizvođača o dijelu.** Ovdje možete pronaći sve informacije o releju RT424024: []( [https://image\.schrackcdn\.com/datenblaetter/h\_rt424006\-\-\_de\.pdf](<br> <br> []( [](<br> <br> Zamijenite crteže releja u shemi s ovim shematskim simbolom nakon što ste je provjerili. Tada bi se vaša shema trebala pretvoriti u PCB u redu. <br> Before any circuit drawn in a Schematic can be converted into a PCB layout, the pins on each schematic symbol must be mapped onto the correct pads of the PCB Footprint that matches the size, shape and pinout of the physical package of the device to be soldered to the PCB. This is done by ensuring that every symbol in the schematic has a suitable PCB Footprint associated with it. The problem with your schematic is that you have not used Schematic Symbols taken from the Library for the relays. All you have in your schematic is some lines that look like the symbol. Here is a User Contributed Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint: _see image above._ **You must check the symbol and the footprint agains the manufacturer information about the part. ** Here you can find all the information about the RT424024 relay: []( [https://image\.schrackcdn\.com/datenblaetter/h\_rt424006\-\-\_de\.pdf](<br> <br> []( [](<br> <br> Please replace the relay drawings in your schematic with this Schematic Symbol after you have checked it. Then your schematic should convert to PCB OK.
ffval 3 years ago
Dear, Thanks for your help. I replaced the elements and turned it into a PCB but I don't know how to proceed. The position of the elements on the board does not matter. It is desirable that the screw connectors be along the edge of the plate. The tile can be double-layered and bridges can be soldered with insulated conductors. I added the scheme "8A Auxiliary relay automation" on which the lines that are supposed to transmit 8 A (ampere) current are marked in red. The final tile should be converted to "drill" or "gerber" format. Thanks again and best regards.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@ffval, Prije svega, **pretvorite u PCB ...** EasyEDA će zatim stvoriti strukturu ploče na temelju područja otisaka stopala koje ste odabrali. Zatim povucite Otiske stopala tamo gdje ih želite unutar obrisa ploče.  Korisno je odvojiti malo vremena da ih pomaknete kako biste pokušali smanjiti ukrštanja Ratlinesa prije nego što počnete pokušavati usmjeravanje pomoću alata Track. Usmjeravanje možete promijeniti od gornjeg donjeg sloja pomoću tipke prečaca "V". Molimo proučite Vodič i Video priručnik kako biste dobili ideju o tome kako to radite. Na forumu postoje ljudi koji mogu pomoći, ali ovisno o tome koliko vam je potrebna pomoć, možda ćete morati biti spremni platiti njihove usluge. <br> First of all, do **Convert to PCB...** EasyEDA will then create a Board Outline based on the area of the component Footprints that you have chosen. Then you drag the Footprints where you want them inside the board outline. It is helpful to take some time to move them around to try to minimise the crossovers of the Ratlines before you start trying to route using the Track tool. You can change routing from top to bottom layer using the "V" hotkey. Please study the Tutorial and Video Tutorials to get an idea of how you do this. There are people on the forum who can help but depending on how much help you need, you may have to be prepared to pay for their services.
ffval 3 years ago
Thanks for the help, I will try to do, if I fail I call for help. Greetings.
ffval 3 years ago
Dear, I did, but I don’t know if that’s good. Some components are not visible on the 3D model, whether this will have any consequences on the PCB. Do you have any comments or suggestions on my first tile in life. [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=fa7d78dadad34033a627140cb924cdc9\|a7fe127d290e4caabd32ac8af89efbf8](|a7fe127d290e4caabd32ac8af89efbf8) [](<br> <br> Thank you and goodbye!
andyfierman 3 years ago
@ffval, Veza projekta koju ste poslali nije javna na oshwlabu, tako da je možete vidjeti samo vi. Mogu otvoriti PCB json datoteku, ali ne mogu biti siguran da je iz iste sheme koja je u vašem izvornom javnom projektu. PCB iz json datoteke ima 3 pogreške u uklanjanju, kao što je prikazano na snimci zaslona u nastavku Upravitelja dizajna PCB-a. Lako je popraviti: samo promijenite tekst s gornjeg bakrenog sloja na gornji sloj sitotiska. :) The project link you sent is not public on oshwlab so only you can see it. I can open the PCB json file but I cannot be sure that it is from the same schematic that is in your original public project. The PCB from the json file has 3 clearance errors as shown in the screenshot below of the PCB Design Manager. It is easy to fix: just change the text from the top copper layer to the top silkscreen layer. :) ![image.png](// <br> <br> Također, ako povećate veličinu zaslona, bit će lakše poravnati otiske stopala i krajeve tragova. Also, if you make the snap size larger, it will be easier to align footprints and the ends of tracks. ![image.png](// ![image.png](// Osim toga, izgleda u redu za vašu prvu PCB ikad! Dobro napravljeno! Apart from that, it looks OK for your first ever PCB! Well done!
ffval 3 years ago
Big thanks! Without your help he would not have succeeded.
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