Concise problem statement:
Time readout in simulation trace window still has 15 significant figures (way too many!) but the last 10 of them behave very strangely.
They change from one cycle of the waveform to the next but within each half cycle, they are (almost completely) fixed.
The first 5 figures change but the last 10 do not change.
Screenshots below show effect as cursor is moved along time axis.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Green Man > Run Document... > Transient > Run
2. Scroll along time axis.
The first 5 figures change as expected but the last 10 change in jumps and are fixed between jumps.
Expected results:
Figures should change with increasing resolution consistent with their place after the deciimal point.
However, maybe 5 (or 6) significant figures / 4 (or 5) decimal places would be enough anyway.
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