Concise problem statement:
I(vcc1) and I(Vee1) waveform traces show what look like rounding errors compared to values in data grid.
Values in data grid are known to be correct.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Simulate > Run Document > Transient
2. Compare I(vcc1) and I(Vee1) traces at between 0.3ms and 0.7ms with data grid values.
Data grid shows I(vee1) min = -13.6mA, I(vcc1) max = 15.6mA (which has been verified to be correct).
Trace shows I(vee1) min = -10mA, I(vcc1) max = 20mA
Expected results:
Data grid shows I(vee1) min = -13.6mA, I(vcc1) max = 15.6mA (which has been verified to be correct).
<a href="https://easyeda.com/file_view_test-jig-01-tran_0YSa4mEVP.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://easyeda.com/file_view_test-jig-01-tran_0YSa4mEVP.htm</a>
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