EasyEDA is free and and powerful and easy to use online PCB tool, it helps a lot of people to bring the idea to real design.
If you want to help to translation:
1. please fork this project: [https://github.com/EasyEDA2021/easyeda-i18n](https://github.com/EasyEDA2021/easyeda-i18n)
2. change to the forked project, then edit your language file such as `ui_data_uk.txt` etc. if you can't find your language file, you can copy `ui_data_hans.txt`, and then modify the txt file name with language code, for example `ui_data_xx.txt`, xx is your language code.
the language code please refer at [https://www\.w3schools\.com/tags/ref\_language\_codes\.asp](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp)
and then remove the Chinese text, translate the English to your language. The characters before `=` need to be preserved
for example:
// at ui_data_hans.txt
Select = 选择
// at ui_data_ru.txt
Select = Выбрать
1. when you finish, please make a pull request, we will merge it.
2. we check your translations if they are correctly, we will add it at next editor/website release.
## Notice
1. the `ui_data_hans.txt` is the based locale file, it has full translations. please don't edit it.
2. if you want to change language to Polish, the editor will read `ui_data_pl.txt` first, if the editor can't find the correspond with English words at this file, then the editor will show the default English word for instead.
3. don't need to create `ui_data_en.txt`, all English words are came from hard code.
EasyEDA editor translation project: [https://github.com/EasyEDA2021/easyeda-i18n](https://github.com/EasyEDA2021/easyeda-i18n)<br>
Thank you for your help
EasyEDA Team