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【Translation】Help to translate EasyEDA, share your work and EasyEDA to your friend easily
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UserSupport 3 years ago
EasyEDA is free and and powerful and easy to use online PCB tool, it helps a lot of people to bring the idea to real design. If you want to help to translation: 1. please fork this project:  []( 2. change to the forked project, then edit your language file such as `ui_data_uk.txt` etc. if you can't find your language file, you can copy `ui_data_hans.txt`, and then modify the txt file name with language code, for example `ui_data_xx.txt`, xx is your language code. the language code please refer at [https://www\.w3schools\.com/tags/ref\_language\_codes\.asp]( and then remove the Chinese text, translate the English to your language. The characters before `=` need to be preserved for example: ``` // at ui_data_hans.txt Select = 选择 // at ui_data_ru.txt Select = Выбрать ``` 1. when you finish, please make a pull request, we will merge it. 2. we check your translations if they are correctly, we will add it at next editor/website release. ## Notice 1. the `ui_data_hans.txt` is the based locale file, it has full translations. please don't edit it. 2. if you want to change language to Polish, the editor will read `ui_data_pl.txt` first, if the editor can't find the correspond with English words at this file, then the editor will show the default English word for instead. 3. don't need to create `ui_data_en.txt`, all English words are came from hard code. EasyEDA editor translation project: [](<br> <br> Thank you for your help EasyEDA Team
tiger54 3 years ago
Could you create a section to discute about the translations? I am translating some words in italian, but I am not sure for eveything. Or better, maybe there are some better words to describe it. It is also heavy to find the right word if there is no context. Some times, words like "download" are better if they stay in english and some time it is better if they are translated. And some sentences are so strange, example: "For your first time order, less than $20 discount on the freight!" Probably the discount is more than 20$, not less. Right? If you could create a forum section for the translations (here or on github) it would be easier to find the best sentence or word.
UserSupport 3 years ago
@tiger54 please post an issue at github, for this strange sentence, if you can't understand please ignore it, we will update it next time.
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