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【Update】EasyEDA editor v6.3.39 released
1485 5
UserSupport 4 years ago
\*\*What's new in v6\.3\.39\*\* 2020.04.21 Important Notice * Before v6.3.39, update PCB is made through the component prefix, at now, it is made through the component unique ID now. After opening the old document for the first time, the editor reassign the component ID based on the component prefix * If the old schematic pages contain subparts(such as U1.1, U1.2 combine as a U1), the component need to be manually moved back to the original location after the first Update PCB * Before modify the old projects, suggest to create a new version for it, then edit the new version. Via: project list - project folder - right-click menu - version * Release new desktop client v4.1.8, supports to save project to local, change the client mode at Setting menu. Only Windows platform avaliable, Linux and Mac OS need sometime. Improvement * Support to remove 3D model at component property panel * New Import Changes logic, fixed component location will offset issue after Import Changes(for the old documents, please open and save them; known issue, for the subpart, after Import Changes have to move the footprint back the location) * Fix after Import Changes the net of track doesn't update issue * Change the ARC interaction logic, keep the center of the circle unchanged when edit the start/end point; Adjust the properties panel properties options * Update Design Manager error and warning description * Change V-CUT clearance default value as 2mm * Support import 3D model in batch:WRL files need to be compressed to a zip fie, no more than 10 WRL files per zip file * Support set the unit for the 3D model when importing * 3D Model Manager support one-click to auto fit the location * SIM mode and STD mode support to switch directly, doesn't need to close documents first anymore * Remove Via entry at PCBlib * Fix rotate the whole PCB will offset some objects issue * Fix some Altium File will show some errors at Design Manager issue * Fix when place schematic module will appear incorrect Netport issue * Copper area and solid region drawing corner follow with the right-hand panel routing corner * Fix CTRL+F dialog will disappear issue after search * Fix fail to set canvas zoom effect as Quality Priority issue * Fix 3D Manager the model outline location doesn't match footprint issue * Fix when just export solder mask layer to PDF, the exported file no content issue * The BOM content is contained by double quotation marks * When the PCBlib has been updated, after Import Changes, will pop up a dialog waiting for update * New EElibs, all assigned the 3D models * Fix the problem that you can still click on a selected device after hiding the top or bottom layer * Fix the PCB size doesn't contains panelized boards size issue * Fix the problem of lost line wrap after modifying the properties panel after normal text line wrap * When Import Changes, instead of directly replacing the package with the update, a pop-up window is listed and waiting for the update * CSV file contents of exported BOMs are included in double quotation marks * Circle drawing supports to use - + to change track width * Fix PCB export as SVG will lost copper area issue * Fix some schematics export as PDF fail issue * Fix some fail to import Altium files issue * Fix other issues
martin 4 years ago
> Before v6.3.39, update PCB is made through the component prefix, at now, it is made through the component unique ID now. After opening the old document for the first time, the editor reassign the component ID based on the component prefix That is huge. Should've been like that from the start, but wonderful news nonetheless.
martin 4 years ago
> Before v6.3.39, update PCB is made through the component prefix, at now, it is made through the component unique ID now. After opening the old document for the first time, the editor reassign the component ID based on the component prefix That is huge. Should've been like that from the start, but wonderful news nonetheless.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@martin Yes, it is a design issue, we solve it now. and the totally new version, will use unique ID too.  and the new version solve the big PCB slow down issue. demo address: []( it will be released in a year.
jenipapo 4 years ago
Thank you for these great improvements!
zhongwangwang007 4 years ago
@UserSupport "update PCB is made through the component prefix, it is made through the component unique ID" have you ever considered pcb module, in this way, it can't link schematic module with pcb module. hope you find a solustion for this. thanks
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