Saw nag message for millionth time asking to update to 6.5.15
Scratched my head and thought haven't I done this already (admittedly I am a Mac user, and accustomed to everything being done for me in the background, often with hilarious results)
Downloaded v6.5.15, unzipped (the file I mean) and copied it over the old version by answering YES to replace file with this newer version
Restarted EasyEDA, got the nag again, before marching to mainland China with a well oiled iMac under my arm, I checked:
Still on 6.5.12 ie had not updated meaning either the updating code is broken, the new version is identified as .12 rather than .15 or i this amateur user hobbyist with Monterey is living in a bizzaro same day rerun parallel dimension (sort of a really really mundane iteration of GroundHog day without Bill Murray).
Can anyone help me with this, I searched the forum but could find nothing and the comments at the download/update page did not seem to mention it? To show how dedicated I am to find a solution I have even looked the executable Package Contents, there is file called version that has a line about it being 6.15.5, so....
I am embarrassed that this is my first post (I think) but it is quite frustrating.
**_In summary despite copying the latest version over my old version of STD it is still appearing as old version..._**