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Upside down component or invisible one?
772 3
jimmer 3 years ago
I'm an electronics beginner making my first SMD PCB. <br> <br> Here is my test example project so far: [](<br> <br> First I chose Everlight Elec PT26-21B/TR8 [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Phototransistors\_Everlight\-Elec\-PT26\-21B\-TR8\_C131248\.html](<br> <br> the 3D picture of the board showed the component upside down (it was mounted on the top layer with the bulb facing down through the board). DRC showed error of no hole in PCB. Also when I tested the purchase process to buy PCB from JCL that component was not available but I could change it to Everlight Elec PT26-21B/CT [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Phototransistors\_Everlight\-Elec\-PT26\-21B\-CT\_C142317\.html](<br> <br> <br> The CT version does not show up in 3D view, so I wonder if it will be pointing up or down?  Am I OK to continue.with it ? Or, how to turn the TR8 version other way up? thanks
andyfierman 3 years ago
[https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Phototransistors\_Everlight\-Elec\-PT26\-21B\-CT\_C142317\.html](<br> <br> is surface mounted and **not** designed for reverse or through-board mounting. The recommended footprint has no hole through the PCB. See Package Dimensions in: [https://datasheet\.lcsc\.com/lcsc/2002271007\_Everlight\-Elec\-PT26\-21B\-CT\_C142317\.pdf](<br> <br> So it is mounted like this: ![Untitled 1.png](// <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
andyfierman 3 years ago
To select parts for JLCPCB Assembly, please search the JLCPCB Assembled library.
andyfierman 3 years ago
An essential and time-saving skill that you must learn is always to find the original equipment manufacturer's datasheet then to read and understand it carefully. Do not rely on 3rd party information from suppliers or other sources. If the oriignal datasheet is not available or is inadequate then you are probably safer using a different part that is properly documented. :)
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