You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Very poor performance in Easyeda
3120 58
Sergej81 3 years ago
Hello! Easyeda is terribly slow when editing a large board. Turning off unnecessary layers, DRC and so on does not help. Moving the components is done with a delay of 10 minutes or more. I spent an awful lot of time designing the board, but now everything needs to be redone because Jlcpcb did not deliver the necessary parts on time. But this is not possible in practice. The program slows down from every movement. Will you fix this problem?![333333333.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
The latest version of the program is offline mode. Replacing a computer or video card does not help
Sergej81 3 years ago
I move any part and go out to drink coffee. After I returned, the part still hasn't moved. The program is in a frozen state. It's just really awful!
UserSupport 3 years ago
There are some methods to try to improve: 1\. Via Tools \- Design Rule\, disable real\-time DRC 2\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable Add Teardrop Automatically 3\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable Net Highlighting While Coursor Hover the Track 4\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable  The Track's Routing Follows Component's Rotation 5\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable  Rebuild Plane Automatically\, and using copper area instead of inner plane layer 6\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, set Canvas Zoom Effect as Speed Priority 7\. Hide ratline layer before move footprints at PCB 8\. Check footprints which have a lot pad's\, and the pads are polygon type\, please modify them as Retangle or Oval 9\. Suggest PCB doesn't over 300 footprints\, Pads and Vias no more than 1500 we will release a pro edition to solve this issue, it is coming soon
UserSupport 3 years ago
You can too many GND vias, please remove them first, you can add vias when PCB finish
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport When will you make the pro version? Last time you promised it would be ready this summer. The problem is very serious - it completely paralyzes the work.
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport This order was never completed for jlcpcb While you are solving this obvious problem - I am wasting time, jlcpcb is losing profit. ![viber_image_2021-07-25_23-20-42.jpg](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 the Pro edition has more jobs to do than we think about, it is not easy, the order issue I belive you need to connect with JLCPCB support @JLCPCBSupport
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport You just didn't need to make a program on JS/Electron This is not a toy - this is engineering software
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 WPS, Micrsoft Word, Google docs have web version too, CAD web base has Onshape, autoCAD, web base tool is not a toy, C++ program has toy too, that just different develpment and market way
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport They came up with this technology and therefore can use it correctly and get a good result. You've been developing Easyeda for many years, and you still haven't tried to solve the performance problem. The result is a very functional - but still a toy that can't do anything complicated. You could make a plugin for KiCAD or fork it and add cloud base of components, 3D models and footprints. There are many more very open source projects that have no performance issues. Why go my own way and torture users, I cannot understand this ...
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 Pro edition is solving the performance issue
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport ![imagesssssssssss.jpeg](//
pommie 3 years ago
I find easyEDA to be surprisingly quick online or offline. Your problem is probably elsewhere try reinstalling. Mike.
Sergej81 3 years ago
@pommie If you have not done something like this, then you will not understand the essence of the problem. ![image.png](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
Here are the typical mistakes that arise from disabling all useful functionality. DRC has not identified any problems. Bravo! These boards are already being manufactured. Then why bother using the slow Easyeda... <br> ![Screenshot_20210802_173231.jpeg](// <br> ![Screenshot_20210802_173146.jpeg](//
ban.relayer 3 years ago
EasyEDA ok is only for small projects - no more than100-200 components/nets. Change CAD to other without such restriction
Sergej81 3 years ago
@ban.relayer You are right, this is a toy app ![toy.jpg](//
ban.relayer 3 years ago
Yes :) Don't waste your time. This software haven't any quality control before release. Some known bugs described in this forum sytill unfixed or fixed 1-2 year after reporting. But EasyEDA software is free. May be developers mean that "free" is equal to "poor quality"?
Sergej81 3 years ago
@ban.relayer +100500 That's all I can say about the quality of this software :) ![free.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
I noticed another significant problem with this program. Parts and connecting tracks when transferred with a hand - lose synchronization and shift relative to each other. This leads to short circuits and unnecessary work. The process is also very slow. ![bad_eda.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
I am suffering again. When will this horror end... ![fail.jpeg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Sergej81, Your screenshot is not very informative. What is the issue that you wish to illustrate here?
Sergej81 3 years ago
@andyfierman The program slows down, despite the small size of the board. It looks like 600 parts are a lot. You cannot advise me anything. You have small projects with few details. <br> <br>
Sergej81 3 years ago
The processor time is equal to how long I waited sitting at the computer. The program is essentially single-threaded. ![faulfail.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
The program still hangs and does something very useful. This is hell ... ![failfailfail.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
More than two hours of freezing. Great horror! ![fail_easy.jpeg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
Fix this problem, damn you! ![chose.jpg](//
SKYKALAI 3 years ago
@sergej81 Toasting EDA😂😂😂 typically I'm also facing many problems in easyEDA. I know EAGLE. but still I'm using easyEDA. I don't know Why?😂
Sergej81 3 years ago
I not want to give up Easyeda because of the cloud-based Jlcpcb parts database with symbols, footprints and models. Somehow we need to make these lazy people work.
SKYKALAI 3 years ago
@Sergej81 Cloud based is the big advantage of easyEDA. If the performance is very good. I'll buy a pro version. My mind told me that, think before buying EDA because of performance. Normal DIY or Hobby work is ok. But when making  Industrial grade PCB I need a Performance. I don't want to erase or delete or waiting more time for my PCBs. I already put a thread of issues in EDA. I hope EDA members solve this issue ASAP. I'm waiting.
Sergej81 3 years ago
I also wait, endure, suffer X (
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 I already told you methods to avoid the low performance issue current engine base on SVG, it can not hold too much elements,then we design a new engine at pro edition( based on WebGL), pro edition is not ready yet, maybe need 3 months。 demo: []( your replies are helpless current engine needs powerful CPU core, or you can change a powerful PC
UserSupport 3 years ago
There are some methods to try to improve performance: 1\. Via Tools \- Design Rule\, disable real\-time DRC 2\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable Add Teardrop Automatically 3\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable Net Highlighting While Coursor Hover the Track 4\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable  The Track's Routing Follows Component's Rotation 5\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, disable  Rebuild Plane Automatically\, and using copper area instead of inner plane layer 6\. Via Settings \- PCB settings\, set Canvas Zoom Effect as Speed Priority 7\. Hide ratline layer before move footprints at PCB 8\. Check footprints which have a lot pad's\, and the pads are polygon type\, please modify them as Retangle or Oval 9\. Suggest PCB doesn't over 300 footprints\, Pads and Vias no more than 1500 10\. If you set nets color and PCB layer transparent\, remove and keep them by default color\. 11\. If you have too much vias or pads without net name\, please add a net for them\, if you add too much GND vias\, please remove them\, place them after PCB design finish
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport My computer has a Core i7 and 16 GB of RAM. Isn't that enough? The program loads 1 processor core. This is the 21st century, when will multithreading be? All of these methods have been applied. My circuit are several times larger - nothing can be done about it. The first thing you should think about when developing software is performance. Not thinking about productivity is the lot of schoolchildren or freshmen. Inappropriate use of the processor harms the ecology of our planet, and delays in work greatly anger users. Time is money. It still remains a mystery to me why you didn't use a ready-made open source project. There are enough such projects and they work well. Why do you always strive to dissociate or distance yourself from good practices?
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport I received a whole box of defective boards due to a false positive DRC test. Why DRC didn't find a conductor intersection with copper area? ![IMG_20210823_131802.jpg](// ![IMG_20210823_131710.jpg](//
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport That's all I can tell you when I see this big box. You need to work faster! ![Homer.jpg](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 there is nothing about multithreads,low performance is because of rendering this big PCB on canvas,multithreads is helpless with rendering, only WebGL display engine can help. web application use multithreads doesn't like PC APPs, current copper area, export Gerber, PDF etc are using multithreads(web worker). Your bigger PCB should not use EasyEDA, you can use Altium and Kicad, or waiting our pro edition. []( []( []( EasyEDA standard version can not support too big PCB.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Sergej81, Have you considered porting your designs to KiCad using: [](
Sergej81 3 years ago
I clicked on the "Save ..." button and I'm already waiting for 10 minutes. Connecting to a neighboring galaxy ... What is this program working so hard on? This horror is simply endless (((( ![badbad.jpeg](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 close the loading window and try to save again
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport Are you working on a new version of the program?
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 works at my side
Sergej81 3 years ago
@UserSupport good, work faster
jonasforssell 3 years ago
@Sergej81 It is clear that you are using Easy Eda beyond the capabilites offered. With the size and complexity of your project you are at level where Altium or other full blown commersial offerings are more suitable. Why are you not using any of them?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@jonasforssell, Altium is expensive but especially for a linux user, Kicad or gEDA are highly capable FOSS alternatives.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Sergej81, "@UserSupport good, work faster" Maybe a "please" in there might have been more polite.
Sergej81 3 years ago
This is the business of **Jlcpcb**, without a user-friendly program, their factory will receive much fewer orders. This is especially true for the **SMT** factory. ![please.jpg](//
tobalt 3 years ago
Sergej, I have created a project with many 100s of components before, using a Ryzen 1600. It  was very sluggish but I managed eventually. I had no problems with DRC, but performance was indeed very low: A few things that helped so I could work at least at a few frames per second. I never had freezes that took more than ~20 seconds. Large freezes only happened when rotating/moving big selections of components. \- turn off the SOLDER MASK LAYERS and PASTE MASK LAYERS \(great improvement\) \- turning off ratlines or copper layers did not help so much \- I made parts of the board as modules and then only pasted the modules into the large PCB\. That way not much work is needed inside the big project\.
mwon 3 years ago
I'm working on a project with more than 100 components and I found out that if I work with Firefox dedicated exclusively to EasyEDA (no additional tabs), it improves the sluggishness considerably. I then use Chrome for standard browsing.
Sergej81 3 years ago
**Hello!** Only 2 layers. Only 100 * 100mm But this was enough for the program to noticeably strain and become thoughtful. When will you solve this problem? ![1.jpeg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Sergej81, * "But this was enough for the program to noticeably strain and become thoughtful." Using the Desktop Client in Projects Offline mode but under what usage conditions? Manually editing? Autorouting? <br> * While you are waiting for EasyEDA to do its work, you could try converting your existing PCB to Kicad using: [](<br> <br> Then you could compare how the same PCB behaves under the same usage conditions in Kicad.
Sergej81 3 years ago
@andyfierman Need to try. Thanks! I often do not have time - I need to send boards to production very urgently.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Sergej81, Have you tried men's suggestion? "...I found out that if I work with Firefox dedicated exclusively to EasyEDA (no additional tabs), it improves the sluggishness considerably."
andyfierman 3 years ago
Aaargh! *#@%%$ Autocorrupt!!!!!! I meant  "**mwon's** suggestion..."
Sergej81 3 years ago
I'm tired of waiting ... KiCAD works like a supersonic engine. Why did you get into this browser, and Electron .... Children's toy ![image.png](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
@Sergej81 EasyEDA Pro will has a powerful engine. VSCode is base electron too. [](
Sergej81 3 years ago
Things have to be done now 🤷🏻‍♂️
Sergej81 3 years ago
Hi! Please tell me - is your program still slowing down? Can I forget about her forever? KiCAD - fulfills all my wishes instantly. I cannot say that I am happy with him, but now nothing is blocking my work. ![image.png](//
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