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What happens if CC pins are not connected in a USB C port?
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smh9800 2 years ago
![image.png](// <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(209, 213, 219)">I used a USB C connector while ordering my PCB, can the device operate under USB 2.0 transmission specification?</span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(209, 213, 219)">This device does not utilize the functions of Power Delivery or other USB-C specifications.</span>
andyfierman 2 years ago
You have not given enough information about your particular usage case to be able to given informed advice. It may help you to read: [](<br> <br> including the section on: USB-C receptacle pin usage in different modes
smh9800 2 years ago
@andyfierman I want to use it for ESP32 source upload(usb to TTL) and power(under 500ma as USB 2.0) it need vbus, gnd, data+, data- but usb C has many mode and pins, I just need to know if i connect only vbus, gnd, data+, data- it will work
andyfierman 2 years ago
It seems  possible but you still have not made it clear exactly what type of USB port and connector is going to be on the other end if your cable. Assuming that you have a USB 2.0/2.1 Type A connector at one end and a usb 3 Type C connector at the other end AND that both the data +/- AND the power pins are connected then see: [](<br> <br> section: **USB cables table** <br> <br>
Markus_ee 2 years ago
Hi! I would use just Micro B connector and cable unless it is an absolute must to use Type C. Type C needs two 5.1k resistors to GND from CC1 and CC2. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 2 years ago
@markus_jidoka, But if the connector is just being used in a 4 wire cable (D+/-, Vbus and GND) from a USB  2.0/2.1 Type A connector then the CC pins on the USB  3.0 Type C connector on the user's PCB go nowhere. They are not connected at the ESP and they are not connected to any wires on the cable. Hence resistors on the CC pins serve no purpose and are not required. It is this sort of guesswork that I try to avoid by asking users to clearly specify exactly what they are trying to achieve.
Markus_ee 2 years ago
@andyfierman, Yes, you are correct. Asking the full details are always needed before going forward with the design.
andyfierman 2 years ago
I'm sure people think I am being rude,  nosey or arrogant when I ask for details of their applications but it just saves so much time in trying to give a reliable answer. :)
Markus_ee 2 years ago
:-D Don't worry Andy, I do behave the same way :)
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