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Why is this part cannot be assembled from global sourcing?
338 6
Berkay Gürsoy 10 months ago
I wanted to order <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34);">MP2672AGD-0000-Z (Dist part number:</span>1589-MP2672AGD-0000-ZCT-ND<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34);">) to use with the PCB assembly service but it got rejected with the message "</span>The part has been cancelled because it's unable to be assembled". Is there any specific reason why it cannot be assembled?
haidy_easyeda 10 months ago
Hello, could you please tell me the "C number" of this component? This is shown in the figure below.![image.png](//
Berkay Gürsoy 10 months ago
It doesn't have a C number because it is a globally sourced part. There is a record in the smt library database with the code "C3681494" but it's probably a placeholder as it never had stocked.
haidy_easyeda 10 months ago
Hello, the system will ask you to cancel because this can not be tiled.
andyfierman 10 months ago
@haidy_easyeda, The part number: 1589-MP2672AGD-0000-ZCT-ND is not an LCSC part number, it is a part supplied by DigiKey. Presumably the OP has called this up as part of JLCPCBs global Sourcing feature.
Berkay Gürsoy 10 months ago
Yes it was from global part sourcing
andyfierman 10 months ago
@berkaygursoy, I can't help you directly but you might like to check these pages and then contact JLCPCB support directly: [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br> :)
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