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any MOSFET with 4 pins?
4787 3
Artem Rodichkin 2 years ago
We are designing new logic that promises to be radically faster than CMOS and to prove that concept we are making 4 bit adder (already made, and it works!) Until now we used optrons, as we found no better option( It's not an option any more, we desparately need NMOS and PMOS (ideally matched) with 4 pins (not with 3) - source, drain, gate and base. Base must not be connected to source. Do such exist in JLCPCB parts library or LCSC? In best case scenario we need device as on image, called Logistor, but I'm pretty sure, such do not exist. ![logistor.png](//
andyfierman 2 years ago
Do you mean a physical device or a simulation model?
Artem Rodichkin 2 years ago
@andyfierman physical device
andyfierman 2 years ago
I'm not sure LCSC or JLCPCB will understand what you are looking for. What you are calling the "base" connection is often also referred to as the Body, Bulk or Substrate connection. I do not know of any discrete physical devices that are available in this form. You may be better to ask the manufacturers if they make such devices, if they do then note the part numbers and then search the mainstream distributors first before searching LCSC. You can simulate such devices however very easily. If you want to explore the possibilities of this please contact me.
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