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easyEDA and JLCPCB files do not match
1279 5
chomik 5 years ago
Did anybody encounter the problem that PCB Gerber files and Pick and Place files generated from easyEda (both) do not match when placing an order? Here is the verification: ![image.png](// For example the IC named U1 is empty, but why??? In the pick and place file, there is: ![image.png](// In the easyEda editor, this is also this location: ![image.png](//![](file:///C:/Users/krzys/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg) It is not exactly same, as the XY location in the editor is the corner, but the XY location in the Pick and Place file is the center. Definitelly this is fine, why the validation shows such a strange placement (and the part rotation is not good as well). How can I fix it as it is fine as to me Are there any tools for pre-validation?
Lance Russell 5 years ago
I am currently experiencing this exact same issue. the preview in order shows everything offset. For me everything is down and left of where it should be.
chomik 5 years ago
@lance.russell and also problems with rotation of components?
Lance Russell 5 years ago
@chomik not that I can see. only location offset
mtiutiu 5 years ago
I for example had rotation issues with a QFN ic package so yeah it seems that the pick and place export feature it's not quite perfect. But the jlcpcb team made the required corrections before fabrication. Still this needs to be addressed and fixed. I can share my design if it helps with the investigation @andyfierman.
chomik 5 years ago
Hello. I was contacted by the support team and they explained that the software on their side failed to calculate reference point (which is based on components centroid). As this algorithm failed, they could not calculate the reference point and this lead to errors between Gerber and PickAndPlace file. They informed me, that the issue is on their side and I cannot do anything to correct this on my side (in easyEda). They corrected the alignment on themselves, so finally, the project was put to production.
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