You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
micro:bit microbit interest
1756 3
OwenBrotherwood 7 years ago
In Britain, all school children above the age of 12 have been given a micro:bit ( EasyEDA seems to be an easy single point of contact from design to fabrication to a possible speedy delivery of pcb's at a reasonable price. In my test project to see how many components are available, I found some. If any one else finds interesting edge connectors that I have not found, please "ping". Note: I advice tags of micro:bit and microbit for all micro:bit projects/components etc Current status will be at Br Owen
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Owen, Welcome to EasyEDA. Using EasyEDA as the PCB development platform for BBC micro:bit projects is an interesting idea and, as a member of the EasyEDA Team, I am happy to help out with the creation and tagging of suitable schematic symbols and PCB footprints. If you would like to post any components that you would like to see in EasyEDA, please add them to your project list and I'll add them to the library. At present searching by tag is not implemented but will be soon. Until then I will make sure that they are easily identifiable by other means. One thing that I find deeply disappointing is that Kitronic have chosen to use closed source software for their 3D modelling and are guiding users down a Windows-centric commercial software CAD tools route. It is worth noting that: FreeCAD is a Free and Open Source Software 3D CAD tool which will open and allow editing/creation/saving of the micro:bit 3D files available from Kitronic, in the .stl open format. FreeCAD is free and is multiplatfom (Linux, MAC OS X and Windows). :)
OwenBrotherwood 7 years ago
Hi Andy, I will continue to refine the necessary support for micro:bit in easyeda with input and components. When I get stuck, I will call out for help :) Br Owen
OwenBrotherwood 7 years ago
easyeda first Successful import of micro:bit reference design There are issues with other sw solutions
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