Hello all!
I am quite a while trying to make my own DRSSTC, but i did not get any results that would make me happy. I probably made some arcs, but they were just too weak for me. But i crossed across oneTesla design of DRSSTC, which is just perfect. I want to make the driver circuit according to their design, but there is just one problem. No matter how hard i try, I have not been able to understand how it works. Feel free to have a look at the schematic of driver ([http://onetesla.com//media/wysiwyg/downloads/tsschem.png)](http://onetesla.com//media/wysiwyg/downloads/tsschem.png) and interrupter ([http://onetesla.com//media/wysiwyg/downloads/sdintschem.png)](http://onetesla.com//media/wysiwyg/downloads/sdintschem.png). Also, feel free to have a look at oneTesla website ([http://onetesla.com/)](http://onetesla.com/), especialy at the Tutorials stage ([http://onetesla.com/tutorials)](http://onetesla.com/tutorials), where the for me the non-understandable information is. I had a look and studied datasheet of every single component, so most of the circuit is logical. I am not a beginner, so it bothers me that I cannot understand the whole working principle. I have some questions. If i will be able to answer all of them, than i can make the Tesla Coil (please, answer them as understandable as possible):
\- how can we do "zero crossing switching" when the negative current passes through current transformer? is not the voltage negative\, too? how we know the current is zero?
\- what is the behavior of 74hc74 flip\-flop? The logical table seems pretty non\-understandable\.
\- why is the high\-side UCC inverted? I had a look at the previous version of oneTesla TC and the MOS\-drivers were flipped\. So\, the phasing of the primary of the GDT does not matter?
Does it means that is i build my own GDT, all I have to care about i phasing of the secondary coils? The primary does not matter?
\- can be the optical transmitter and receiver \(IF\-D95T\) replaced by a optocoupler? Is the normal state of IF\-D95T 5V or 0V \(normal state = i mean when there is not signal from transmitter\)?
\- can i use 200:1 current transformer instead of 300:1 \(oneTesla generally uses 300:1\, but it is not available anywhere\) ?
\- please\, describe the whole working principle of the circuit\. Please\, i cannot do it by my self\. Say the voltages in every stage of circuit when the circuit starts\, when there is signal from interrupter and when there is not\.
Thank you a lot for your answers and time. Thanks again, i do not know what shall i do without you.