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plated hole to PCB edge minimum distance
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MikeDB 5 years ago
Does anybody know the minimum distance from the outside of the ring of a plated hole to the PCB edge for JLCPCB ?  It doesn't seem to be stated on their guidance page [](
cjohnson 5 years ago
I've always used the trace to outline parameter, so >= 0.2mm
MikeDB 5 years ago
oh that's very small.  In the 1980s we tended to use 5mm and obviously things get better every year but I wasn't expecting that close.
andyfierman 5 years ago
As this is posted as a JLCPCB topic, could someone from JLCPCB please respond? Thanks.
pcb_Service 5 years ago
@andyfierman @[MikeDB](, The minimum space from pad or plated holes to board edge is 3mm. Best Regard JLCPCB group
MikeDB 5 years ago
@pcb_Service Can you put this on the guidelines page please.  I think I've only met this distance by pure luck
pcb_Service 5 years ago
Dear Mike, Yes, we will update these on our website soon, currently we arew gathering the feedbacks about our website, we will make our website more user friendly. And it will take time, so you guys may need wait for some time to see these information updated on our website. Anyway, thank you so  much for your advice and feedback about our service, we will try to make us better for customer. Have an nice day! Eunice Yin JLCPCB Group
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