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Manolocs 4 years ago
Hello, sorry for the rookie question but is my first time building a PCB and would like to order the correct set. I am trying to build a simple 7 digits display with 4+3 digits using Mega 7219 there are much more options than I preview. Would somebody waste 5 minutes to help me? What is need is this: 1- Max7219CWG- [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Driver\-High\-Current\_MAXIM\_MAX7219CWG\_MAX7219CWG\_C9964\.html]( 2- 10uF Capacitor - 3- 100nF Capacitor - 4- 10k ohm resistor - 5- 7Digit Display 4bits white 6- 7Digit Display 3bits white Thanks in advance:
andyfierman 4 years ago
It's not possible to make component recommendations without at least sight of your schematic. You'll need to make a public copy of your project and post the link to it here.
Manolocs 4 years ago
@andyfierman I am very sorry, took me some time to find a way to share this project. []( the material I am trying to find is the one that I can order to be made by EasyEda, so I have the 7 digits displays and built a breadboard/Arduino project to check if it works and now it is working so I think next phase is to make here and order. This is the correct parts I used in the prototype. I attached the project without the 7 seg displays attached, + the correct cathodes and MAX connections numbers. Hope you can help me ![1.png](// ![2.png](// ![3.png](// ![4.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
@Manolocs, Because you are using the MAX7219: []( you will need to look for Common Cathode 7 segment LED displays. You have not explained why you want to use 7 digits grouped as 4 and 3 and why you have not chosen to use 7 seperate 7 segment diplay devices. I will therefore assume that you really do want a 4 and a 3 digit display device. Probably the easiest way to find them is to look theough the parts available at, look at the datasheets for each and then choose the parts you want to use. Once you have done that you can search for the LCSC part numbers (the Cxxxx numbers) in the SHIFT+F library in EasyEDA. []( For example for 4 digits: ![image.png](// ![image.png](// For example FJ2481CH: [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Led\-Segment\-Display\_Made\-in\-China\-FJ2481CH\_C10707\.html]( LCSC part number: **C10707** Datasheet: [https://datasheet\.lcsc\.com/szlcsc/2004281807\_Shenzhen\-Zhihao\-Elec\-FJ2481CH\_C10707\.pdf]( (Although that is a poor choice because the datasheet is useless!) Here it is in the SHIFT+F library search: ![image.png](// Not all LCSC parts are in the library so you may have to try a few times to find a part that suits you and is in the library.
Manolocs 4 years ago
thanks for all the information, I will follow your tips and let you know... :)
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