
EasyEDA Electronic Engineering Communication Scholarship

A $2500 Electronic Engineering Communication Scholarship

EasyEDA is a great web-based EDA aiming to help electronic engineers, students, hobbyists to take their design from idea to reality with providing comprehensive data and collaboration tools for electronic design. We also value students’ creative ideas and great interest in making electronic projects.

Thus, EasyEDA creates the EasyEDA Electronic Engineering Communication Scholarship for High school students, Undergraduate or Postgraduate students with passion of “Making Electronic Projects” to receive $2500 award.

Whether you're a hobbyist eager to try out your first electronic project or a seasoned engineer looking for a productivity boost, our goal is to take away the tedium in bringing a design to life and help you the creative minds exhibit their abilities in this area. Every student who is interested in electronic projects could apply for the scholarship and will have a chance to win $2500 through his or her competition electronic project.

The scholarship includes two terms per year:
First term: Mar. 13, 2017-Sep.13, 2017     Second term: Oct.13, 2017-Feb.13, 2018

How To Apply The Scholarship

The result will be published Here on September.

Write an article

Write an article for your own electronic project and combine your project idea with circuit design using EasyEDA in the article.

Publish the article

Publish the article on your school forum or blog. The article will have no less than 500 words and five clear pictures.

Our email

Send the article file and the link of your article on school forum and blog to our email: selina@easyeda.com.

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