You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Improved routing
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1343 5
Prefix values in multi-sheet schematics
posted by pekka.ahmavuo , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1688 1
how to put values(your own) into the schematics?
posted by tan , 10 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 years ago.
1852 2
Small issue : PCB Layout prefix display not always saved
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1041 3
three wire plug
posted by mishazzang , 10 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 years ago.
1080 2
how to make my own circuit
posted by turtle , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
983 1
Only offered 2 layer fab for 4 layer PCB in Order... dialogue..
posted by andyfierman , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
887 1
Subckt not picked up from spice symbol in User Libs
posted by andyfierman , 10 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 years ago.
1199 3
Modify package already used in PCB?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
4824 6
Reloading "clean" PCB sometimes shows wires
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1172 5
How do I edit the netlist parameters of a symbol
posted by shane.kirkbride , 10 years ago. replied by shane.kirkbride , 10 years ago.
2451 4
Bottom layer text not properly mirrored
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1608 3
Can't use arc as a trace?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1636 2
1023 0
Importing KiCad lib fails and makes Chrome think page is in Spanish
posted by example , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1034 2
Problem snapping wires to pinouts
posted by info , 10 years ago. replied by example , 10 years ago.
6072 10
Spice Netlist too big error
posted by scott216 , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1556 7
LM56 thermostat ic component library
posted by SHORTCIRCUIT , 10 years ago. replied by SHORTCIRCUIT , 10 years ago.
1192 3
Version Control
posted by rodyne , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1654 3
Package list sometimes comes up empty
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1024 3
Uh oh. Can't generate ground plane.
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
2776 4
Small Undo/Redo stack bug
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
2009 4
Invalid package name causes problems even once fixed
posted by thegoodhen , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1094 2
EasyEDA upgraded: 4/30
posted by dillon , 10 years ago.
1994 0
Annotation in WaveForm
posted by example , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1062 1
Accidental selection of traces in WaveForm
posted by example , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
722 1
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