You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Invalid package name causes problems even once fixed
1125 2
thegoodhen 10 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: If you insert an invalid name into the "package" textbox, weird things happen-for instance, even once I changed it back, the ratlines weren't generated-even once I created another PCB from the schematics. Browser: Chrome
dillon 10 years ago
Do you save your schematic after you change your package? when you convert your schematic to PCB, you will find a dialog like below image, your packages are right in this dialog ? ![](//) Dillon
martin 10 years ago
+1 here- I've had a case in which every time I reloaded my schematic, I had to keep replacing two packages being reported as wrong. It's like EasyEDA refused to actually save the changes. Sorry, I will have to investigate further to give you proper rep steps; this was from an Eagle import, so it's not totally clear what happened from the get-go. I'll get around to doing some real testing. Just trying to get this board I'm working on out of the way first :-)
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