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Modify package already used in PCB?
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martin 10 years ago
Sorry if this is already covered. I have a PCB all laid out, but had to modify one of the packages for a part. It's not entirely clear to me how to get the schematic to get the updated package? I tried replacing the part in the schematic, then import changes, but of course, the PCB is the same as the schematic... Help!
dillon 10 years ago
Step 1) Save as your PCB a new copy in the same project, don't need to help EasyEDA to save the hardware space, we have enough :) Step 2) delete the bad package in your PCB, and save (CTRL+S) the PCB again. step3) Import changes. post back when you have other problems :) Dillon.
dillon 10 years ago
Maybe I have guessed why you can't import the new package. If you didn't change a new name for your package. when you try to importand, EasyEDA can't find the diffirence. The better way is **delete** the bad package from your PCB.
martin 10 years ago
Hi Dillon, first work-around is, imho, not good, since if you laid out tracks and positioned things just right, you will have to reposition. While placing over the original tracks might work, it really isn't confidence-inspiring, and I'd be worried about that. I ended up doing the second workaround, by saving a copy of the package under a different name. I consider both of these to be workarounds, and would suggest that the layout editor should be able to: 1. Change packages for any component on the board (nice to have) 2. Force an update of all packages on the board (to solve my issue) * * * This opens the door to a different (desirable, imho) behavior between schematic and board, where the coupling between the two is a little tighter. I would propose a way to "link" a schematic and board, so that renaming something, changing a package, etc, is reflected in the other immediately. There is an understanding that not necessarily all operations are bidirectional. Anyway, probably a topic for another time...
andyfierman 10 years ago
A bit of thinking out loud... "While placing over the original tracks might work, it really isn't confidence-inspiring, and I'd be worried about that." I think you would still have to check very carefully if a package could just be updated without deleting and replacing it. For example: suppose the change you made to a package was to enlarge the pin diameters. You do that and save the change without changing the package name and then update the PCB. You would then have to run a DRC to check that the larger pins hadn't forced the pads too close to each other or the adjacent tracks or maybe pushed some of the pin centres further apart. Clearly there is scope for package changes to trash the existing tracking or solder mask clearances etc., just as easily as could happen due to a delete-and-replace way of changing a package. In some ways a blind change-and-update function could be more dangerous than change-delete-replace for inexperienced users. :)
martin 10 years ago
True, true. Then, I'd say, we do a "blind change + DRC" in one go :-) But you're right, maybe an overall "let's update parts" isn't the way to go. This issue aside, though, there is much too much to do now in terms of workarounds for something that should be simple. Specifically, in my case, I _knew_ what I'd have to worry about when updating a given part (i'd forgotten drill holes for screwing it in!). So, the easiest, and least worrisome way, was doing what Dillon suggested in #2: create a new, update the package, save the schematic, import changes. Whew!
dillon 10 years ago
>a way to "link" a schematic and board To you surprise, easyEDA try to not link a schematic and board. You know EasyEDA let the users to change the packages free in schematic. If we bind the schematic and board, it will prevent us to do some differences in the EDA, we will have a big plan for this, we will provide a plug solution let our users to build PCBs or schematics with javascript codes. just as andy's message, if we syn. the schematic and PCB, there are some other problems. 1. DRC problems. 2. This is Cloud based EDA, if the users can't connect the internet, they can't syn. 3. If the users open a big schematic and big PCB at the same time, the chrome will be slow. 4. And many many others reasons we can't provide syn. Martin's idea about syn. the schematic and PCB is good, But some one don't like this. Some other big EDA tools: **Pads, orcad ,altium designer**. All they don't provide syn. ,as far as I know. they provide a "import change" solution. It seems Kicad 's PCB and Schematic are not syn. also. We don't try to provide syn. now, but will make the import change better. Thanks. Dillon
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