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Reloading "clean" PCB sometimes shows wires
1194 5
martin 10 years ago
I noticed this in the past couple of days. Dunno if it's a change in the software, or a product of working more on my PCB but... 1. Create a PCB (Ha!) 2. Add traces for all wires of ratsnest. 3. Save PCB 4. Close 5. Open PCB. Verify that some wires are back. In my case, the fix is to "jiggle" the traces near the pad (mostly works), then hit UNDO (always works). This leads me to believe my traces are fine, but there's something in the software that's not. Private schematic for now, but as admins, I can allow access to a clone of it, if it can help.
andyfierman 10 years ago
Or can you reproduce it in a cut down version?
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, I can't catch your question. Do you mean when you open your PCB again, there are some useless Ratlines, when you "jiggle" the traces, these Ratlines will be removed? Can you share a Screenshot to my email before let me access your design. Thanks.
martin 10 years ago
Huh, can't reproduce here at home with the same pcb. I'll check back tomorrow, but Dillon, you understand what I meant in my initial bug report. Sorry about that.
martin 10 years ago
Wow! Confirmed. My computer here exhibits the problem still. I loaded a board and I see air wires AND good traces. I'm guessing there's some local caching with LocalStorage or even cookies at play here. Or, just maybe, it's a Chrome PC vs Chrome Mac thing, but I doubt it. Dillon, I'll email a snapshot.
dillon 10 years ago
Got it. will fix this soon.
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