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Importing KiCad lib fails and makes Chrome think page is in Spanish
947 2
example 10 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Checking what I had suggested in: <> I found that importing Kicad libs/modules: <> works OK. But importing: <> only imports a single symbol: F09D and also seems to cause Chrome to pop down a `This page is in Spanish. Would you like to translate it?` message!
example 10 years ago
I forgot to say: the imported schematic symbol is also corrupted. I tried reducing the file to a smaller one with just 4 high density D type connectors in it but that only imported the first connector and again corrupted it.
dillon 10 years ago
The lib version is too old. EasyEDA desn't support. You can save the libs using new version Kicad , and you can import Ok. We may give a warn, but I don't know which version is should be just OK.
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