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Spice Netlist too big error
1571 7
scott216 10 years ago
I have a pretty small circuit (1 op-amp and 6 discrete components). I'm trying to run a simulation, but I'm getting an error that my net list is too big. What should I do? You can see my circuit here:
example 10 years ago
Hi scott216, It looks like you've fixed whatever the problem was because when I run a transient sim on your circuit, it works OK and plots traces for volProbes 1 and 2. For info: note that, as I mentioned in our earlier thread: , the name of volProbe2 overwrites the name given by the DC_Out netflag so the WaveForm traces show V(volProbe1) and V(volProbe2) rather than V(volProbe1) and V(DC_out). :)
scott216 10 years ago
I'm still getting the same error.
dillon 10 years ago
It is strange, EasyEDA allows lots of components in simulation. But I can run your schematic simulation, I clone it to , Can you run this? Sorry to make you in trouble. DIllon.
scott216 10 years ago
I get the error with your cloned version. I tried in both Firefox and Chrome browsers
dillon 10 years ago
Hi , We are so sorry, EasyEDA makes you in trouble. May I know what is the error message? 1. Your spice netlist is too big! Try break..... 2. Either your spice netlist is too big or the server is busy. 1 or 2? We think this is bug which we can't follow now. we need some time. And try it agian. Thanks.
scott216 10 years ago
It works now. I didn't do anything to fix it.
dillon 10 years ago
2. Either your spice netlist is too big or the server is busy.
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