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How to use the Potentiometer and Variable Resistor symbols from the EasyEDA Libs.
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example 10 years ago
- It may not be obvious quite how the K(%) relates to the dot on the potentiometer symbol. The dot on a potentiometer shows the position of the slider at 0% rotation, (i.e. with K(%) = 0 in the right hand Properties panel). - Variable Resistors in EasyEDA are set exactly the same way as fixed resistors. Unlike the ordinary fixed resistor symbols in EasyEDA, Variable Resistors in EasyEDA can be assigned a value of 0. However, fixed resistors in spice cannot be set to 0. They must always have a small minimum value. Therefore it should be noted that, internally, the Variable Resistors are set to 1u (1e-6 Ohm). This must be remembered when interpreting voltage or current readings with what appear to be 0 valued Variable Resistors. This is illustrated in a simulation: <>
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