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Improved routing
1374 5
martin 10 years ago
Before tackling auto routing, I would _love_ to see improvements to manual routing. This here : is a great example of the stuff that we should have in EasyEDA. Just amazing!
dillon 10 years ago
TO you surpised, before I check the video, I have guessed what you will suggest. Thanks. push-and-shove is in our TODO, Maybe a few years later, before push-and-shove, we should provide realtime DRC first.
pekka.ahmavuo 10 years ago
Hi Dillon, how about making the project open source and letting us to participate in the development so we could make the TODO list shorter faster?
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, All the best softwares are not open source, except Linux. We are about to make EasyEDA opensource, check . If you would like to contribute, we will provide some plug tech. soon. You can't modify the core codes, but you can build a opensource plug to do something you like. BTW, the plug must be created using Javascipt. Thanks.
pekka.ahmavuo 10 years ago
Thanks! A plugin API would be excellent. I have to disagree with you on "All the best softwares are not open source", but I of course respect your right to do with with your code what ever you think is best. EasyEDA is already an excellent piece of software, by far the easiest EDA tool I have used so far. I would just love to see I growing a more mature and complete faster that your small, but obviously very competent team is able to do alone. But hopefully the plugin api will help on that.
dillon 10 years ago
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