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Subckt not picked up from spice symbol in User Libs
1210 3
andyfierman 10 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: INVEE is in My Parts when I log in and so is also in the shared EasyEDA Libs: Find Libs ... > User Libs Everything works fine if I am logged in but if I try to run this in anonymous mode then the spice subckt attached to the spice symbol in My Parts is not picked up when placing the symbol found in the shared User Libs. Therefore, the simulation does not run. Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Open the sim in the Editor; 2. Ctrl+R > Transient > Run Results: Simulation report: "Circuit: inverter demo Error: unknown subckt: xu1 v1_1 vdd 0 volprobe1 invee" Expected results: Sim should netlist correctly and run. Url: Browser: I don't know why but this area was blank! I'm using Firefox 28.0 on WinXP Pro 32bit, SP3. (Sorry if this is a repeat of an earlier post: I can't find the one I posted before about his problem.)
andyfierman 10 years ago
I have been thinking about this a bit more and I think there is a bigger problem here and maybe it needs to be included as part of the library and menu changes. I hope you can follow this example, then I will explain the problem at the end. :) I log in as `andyfierman`. I create a symbol with a spice model attached, for example NAND2EE. I save NAND2EE in **My Parts**. Do **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE** NAND2EE now appears in the **Find Libraries...** search with `andyfierman` as contributor. At this point there are no other NAND2EE parts in any other libraries. I create a schematic using NAND2EE placed from **My Parts** as U1, I can save it then run a simulation and it works OK. I log out and then save the same schematic to Anonymous. Now, when I run a simulation I get: `Error: unknown subckt: xu1 0 0 vdd vss xu1_5 nand2ee` **** Problem (i) > The spice model for NAND2EE is not pulled in from the symbol unless the symbol also exists in the users local **My Parts** lbrary. **** In Anonymous mode the user can not save the NAND2EE symbol in **My Parts**. OK, I expect that. Next I log in as `example`. If I try to run the simulation again I get the same error message. OK, I expect that because example does not have a copy of NAND2EE in **My Parts**. Do **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE > Clone > Save to My Parts** NAND2EE now appears in example's **My Parts**. Do **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE** **** Problem (ii) > Two copies of NAND2EE now appear in the **Find Libraries...** search in **User Libs** with `andyfierman` and `example` as contributor. **** Run a simulation: it works OK. Delete NAND2EE from example's **My Parts**. Run a simulation: `Error: unknown subckt: xu1 0 0 vdd vss xu1_5 nand2ee` Do **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE** Now, only one copy of NAND2EE now appears in the **Find Libraries...** search with `andyfierman` as contributor. - **So I think there are two problems:** **i)** The user expects that if they do **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE > Place** then simply **Placing** the spice symbol into the schematic will allow tham to create a simulatable schematic which they can save and then run. Placing the symbol adds the symbol to their schematic so why would they *not* expect it to add the spice model to the netlist too? **ii)** If the user **Clones** the symbol to their **My Parts** then everything works OK *but* suppose ten users all decide to use NAND2EE in their simulations? Then **Find Libraries... > Filter > NAND2EE** shows ten *identical* copies of NAND2EE appear under **User Libs**, all with different contributor's names. That is going to make the libraries very cluttered and confuse users. How do they know which NAND2EE symbol to choose? What is the difference between them?
dillon 10 years ago
This is a well know problem, you can find the answer from the before email. Try to think, If you have a subckt name 'AAA' , the others have a subckt 'AAA'. If we can share the subckt, we don't know use who's. so one guy can't use others guys subckt. Now you can do: 1) create a system subckt in our database. Every one can use system subckt. 2) give the subckt circuit to the users, if the users clone your subckt. He can pick.
andyfierman 10 years ago
I still think it looks messy and confusing if the user sees many copies of a subckt with the same name from many different contributors. The user cannot tell if they really are the same or not. The more popular a contributed subckt is, the more copies will appear in the User Libs. Sure, if it is a good subckt, we can copy it into the system lib but we can only see that it is popular *because* many copies of it appear in the user libs. We maybe would not put every user subckt into the system lib, maybe we would only put good *and* popular user subckts into the system lib. A popular subckt may fill up the Find Libraries search results window so that a subckt the user is looking for is pushed way down the list so they have to look very carefully to find it. The list returned from a **Filter** can then be searched using `Ctrl+F`, but this maybe is an extra step users will not like. - Maybe we should add that to the tutorial? OK, I can see one way that having many copies is good: > User X puts a subckt 'AAA' into My Parts. > 'AAA' appears in User Libs. > User Y puts a subckt 'AAA' into their schematic. > User X deletes subckt 'AAA' from their My Parts. > Because user Y has to clone subckt 'AAA' to their own My Parts, user Y's simulation is not broken because user X has deleted subckt 'AAA'.
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