You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
1 schematic, 2 pcbs : best practice?
2680 3
siri87 6 years ago
Hi all, I made a schematic, but i want the design on two pcbs [sandwiched together]( with connectors. What is the best design practice? I was initally trying to design the two boards side by side with a v-groove in between the two, but each pcb is 1"x6" (25.4mm x 152.4mm), but on [this page]( it says "The panel size of sample needs to be 70*70mm at least to do v-cut process" and two boards make 50.8mm. Apart from doing two schematics, what would be the best way? Thanks
andyfierman 6 years ago
If the two PCBs are different other than due to changes in the Mounted attribute of the schematic symbols, then in EasyEDA they have to be two different projects. So, 2 projects each with it's own Schematic and PCB. If the only difference is in the Mounted attributes then one project with one schematic generating one PCB with one set of mounted attributes then change the Mounted attributes and generate the second PCB. In fact you may only need to lay out a PCB with everything mounted then copy it and selectively delete the not mounted footprints from each.
siri87 6 years ago
Yes i think the best way is your last solution, design everything in one file, and when i want to export gerbers, i duplicate my pcb file, make two clones, and i delete what i don't need in each clone in order two have my two disctinct layouts, ready to be exported in gerbers. Thanks Andy!
danny_electro 6 years ago
Hi, thanks for the tip. I was wondering how best to do this. After some trial and errors it seemed the logical way to make a two part PCB. Dan
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