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10-LED Chaser special challenge
496 5
navman 1 year ago
Hi. I am designing a typical 10-LED chaser circuit, but instead of the LEDs being on the board, they will be placed outside of the board with leads. The positive of the leads will be connected to a 10-pin terminal on the board. How would I terminate the positive outputs coming from the 4107 IC on the board in the schematic sheet? I could not find a 10-pin, 5.08 pitch component in any libraries. Thank you!
andyfierman 1 year ago
If it's for LEDs you do not need a 5.08mm pitch connector for high voltage clearance. Why not use a 2.54mm, 2.5mm or 2mm connector?
navman 1 year ago
Hi andyfierman. I have a bunch of 2-pin, 5mm pitch terminals that I can just hook together to make one long 10-port terminal, but that is not the issue. On the schemo, I don't know what to do with the ends of the output wires from the 4107 chip. I need a component that simulates a pad (I'm guessing). I'm new at this stuff. The LEDs are NOT going to be on the board. They are going to be away from the board with lead wires. Thanks for the reply.
navman 1 year ago
Oops! It's 4017, not 4107. Sorry.
andyfierman 1 year ago
It will help you to read (2.2) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> And "How to create a pad to directly solder a wire to" in there may be useful.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Be sure to read the Appendix A to (2.2) because that covers, with examples, how you deal with off-board components such as your LEDs.
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