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2 separate copper pours for same net, one within the other
283 3
softmachine 1 year ago
Hey, I'm trying to find a way to separate 2 copper pours for the same net, one of them is 5V and the other is inside of that pour but it's 5V after having been decoupled. Is there a simple way to do this in easyeda? Right now I have this accomplished with no solid areas but a simpler way would really speed things up... ![Screenshot 2022-12-14 181736.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Not sure from your description if this is what you have done anyway but try just putting down the 5V copper area everywhere it is needed then draw tracks where you want copper-free gaps which you then select and do right-click: **Convert to Board Cutout** then set them to: **No Solid** Then do SHIFT+B to rebuild all Copper Areas. That then draws a copper-free line along the track path. Seems to work OK if you leave the gapping track un-named but it may be safest to give them all the same, unique name to clearly locate and identify them.
softmachine 1 year ago
@andyfierman Hey that does help actually, way quicker than drawing the outline of the no solid area manually. Thanks for the tip.
UserSupport 1 year ago
You can try to change the copper area sort at copper manager at Tools
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