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2nd set of eyes on my schematic
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alex.deyris64170 1 year ago
Hello Everyone, I hope you are well I'm designing one of my first PCB for WLED and i don't really know if everything is compatible between each other. I linked below the sumary of my project with everything you need to know about. Is it possible to have a second set of eyes on my project to confirm every components are compatible between each other and if the PCB is working properly. My goal is to power up LEDs through a power relay controlled by the esp32. The microphone is used for Sound reactive system of WLED. Thank you to everyone who can have a look and advice me. Have a wonderful day. [](<br> <br>
andyfierman 1 year ago
A few points to consider. 1. The prefix "U" is usually used for ICs and not relays or connectors. Relays are usually RLY. Connectors are usually something like CONN, P, PLG, S, SKT.  2. You imply that you are expecting to switch up to 15A through the relay and associated tracks. Therefore, those track need to be much wider. 3. Move Connector U7 to the right hand side of the PCB. 4. Rotate the relay 180 degrees. 5. Reroute connections between them out of the way of other components. 6. Do not leave the B unused B input on U10 floating. Tie it to ground directly or through a 10k resistor. (See **Table 1** in: [https://datasheet\.lcsc\.com/lcsc/1912111437\_Texas\-Instruments\-SN74LVC2T45DCTT\_C347590\.pdf]( 7. Add 100nF decoupling capas to each supply pin of U10 (See **11 Layout** in [https://datasheet\.lcsc\.com/lcsc/1912111437\_Texas\-Instruments\-SN74LVC2T45DCTT\_C347590\.pdf]( 8. Read the layout guidelines for the ESP32 in particular with regard to the positioning of the antenna! You will almost certainly have to rotate it by 180 degrees or move it down to the lower edge of the PCB. (See my comments in: []( 9. There are so many through hole components on this design that you can probably make one layer a complete ground plane (a Copper Area connected to the GND net) and then manually route the rest on the other layer. Don't forget point (2). You will get a better PCB design and you will learn more about PCB layout by manually routing it instead of letting the Autorouter mess it up for you.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Q1 is being asked to supply 185mA collector current to the relay coil (27 Ohms) with a base current of about 2.7mA ((3.3V - Vbe)/1k where Vbe = approx 0.6V). The BC56 just about manages that but a better option would be to use a 3.3V logic level N channel MOSFET such as a BSS138: []( [](
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Good tip to use 10 size grid of same 10 snap grid and align your schematic components to that grid. Also using a darker grid color shows your grid more visually. ![image.png](// Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Markus_ee 1 year ago
BTW, I just noticed that DIR pin on the SN74LVC2T45DCTT should be high, not grounded. I believe we want to data to flow from ESP32 to A port, out from B port and out to the OUT connector? Confirm, plz, if I'm right? ![image.png](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Revisit my comment (6) above for unused input A if Markus_ee's comment is valid. :)
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