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3 pin trimmer capacitor symbol and footprint - common pins
740 2
rascalsailor 1 year ago
Hi I have a trimmer capacitor with 3 pins. Pins 1 and 3 are joined. When creating the symbol, I just want to see two pins; In other words when placing the component in the schematic it looks like a normal 2 pin trimmer, but when updating the PCB, pins 1 and 3 will have a joined net, and pin 2 will be the other side of the trimmer. I added the third pin in the symbol and hid it, but how can I tell the symbol that pin 1 is joined to pin 3? Or am I going about this the wrong way? (I can't number them the same) thanks and regards ![trimmer.jpg](//![trimmer2.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
"am I going about this the wrong way?" Not quite. "(I can't number them the same)" You can in a Footprint. So, create a 2 pin symbol with pins numbered "1" and "2" and a 3 pin footprint with one pin numbered "1" and the two comkoned pins both numbered "2". Save the footprint and the symbol with a unique Name and a clear Description. Assign the footprint to the symbol using the **Footprint Manager**. Do **Convert to PCB** or **Update PCB** as required. Done.
rascalsailor 1 year ago
Thanks for that. That did it. regards Russell
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