You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
3DModel will not removed in a ungrouped (deleted) footprint
756 0
tmeschke 5 years ago
Hello, as the title says, ungroup a footprint (PCBLib) and after doing this, delete the footprint ( all parts from ungrouping ) completely, but the 3Dmodel is not deleted in the preview. **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Optional Step: 1. Create a PCBLib with a connected 3DModel or ... 2. use any PCBLib 2. Place a PCBLib in your Board ( check if is a 3DModel connected => right sidebar ) 3. Now select the footprint and ungroup the PCBLib 4. Delete Footprint completely 5. Go to Preview => 3D View 6. The 3DModel will be there ( There is no way to "reconnect" the footprint ) **Workaround:** 1. Go to Menu => Documents => EasyEDA File Source 2. Select and copy the JSON-Output to clipboard 3. Use an Editor like VSCode and paste the JSON-Output 4. Search for the wrong footprint by name, footprint, 3dmodel or something like that 5. Remove the line from array "shape": [ ... ] 6. Now copy the whole JSON and replace the output from step 2, save 7. 3DModel is gone
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