You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
4.1.9 was released, message on every start local program
395 6
On every start local program I see this message ![image.png](// But version of my program is ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi ![图片.png](//
cjohnson 4 years ago
@UserSupport Review the second screen shot his program version is at 6.3.39
UserSupport 4 years ago
@cjohnson client version isn't same as editor version
I did it more than 5-th times, but every new run I saw this message. Today I see new message. I`m downloading new verdion from site, install it and program runs. And today I see this message ![image.png](// And in my browser opens page to download new version. I`m downloading AGAIN new version, installing and see this message again. I did it three times today. Nothing changed. My local program version 6.3.41 ![image.png](// I`m downloading here []( Sorry but I don't understand what happens with local client
I`ve just reinstall program (download 64 bit version from site) and again I see message to update version And my program versions up to date and versions are: Client version: 4.1.9 Editor version: 6.3.41
UserSupport 4 years ago
we modfiy the client version same as editor version now. the latest is v6.3.43
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