You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
A few feature requests
1183 6
MadOverlord 5 years ago
I just started using EasyEDA and have recently completed my first project. Overall I am very happy but there are a few rough edges that I ran into. I kept a journal of them and here they are: * Design rules window needs way to apply rules to multiple nets at the same time. * Hotkey to finish drawing a wire and start drawing a new one. Equivalent to ESC, W * Permit reversal of scroll wheel direction (helpful for Mac people) * Cut and Paste shortcuts don't work in dialog boxes on desktop client, you have to use the right-click menu. * Shortcut to run the currently loaded script. * You can't choose the path of a cloned project. * You can't edit the path of a project. Hopefully some of these are actually implemented but I just couldn't find them... Best R
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi 1、at design rule net list, you can use CTRL to multiple select ![image.png](// 2, just left click when you routing track 3, You can set the zoom mode at system setting, but doesn't support reversal of scroll wheel direction 4, It is  a known issue, that should work at browser but fail at desktop Client, we will release a new client soon 5, yes, you can't 6, the path is url, doesn't support to edit url
MadOverlord 5 years ago
Thank you for the quick response. Because of (6), not able to edit url, it's very important to be able to choose a project name/path when cloning. It will make creating template projects much easier.
MadOverlord 5 years ago
Also, left-click when routing track starts a new track at the end of the previous track (at least in the desktop client). Which is fine and desired behavior. To start a new, **disjoint** track (not connected to the previous track), you need to ESC then W.  It would be nice if (for example), SHIFT-W did this. Sorry for not making it more clear what I was talking about.
MadOverlord 5 years ago
Also, the cut/paste issue affects the selection of multiple nets in the design rules section, because CTRL causes the popup menu to appear.
sheepchen 2 years ago
Came here to create a featurerequest and saw that this is allready here, but apparently not imortant enough, yet. "You can't choose the path of a cloned project." . My problem is that you can't choose the path on hdd at all. I want to create some bigger projects where the PCB-design is just one part of it. So I will have a Project-folder in which are /doc /pcb /src ... The reason is easy - git. The whole project should be in git. At the moment this is not possible to realise with EasyEDA because all Projects have to be under the same easyEDA\projects folder. This is just stupid. Why am I forced to have all EasyEDA projects under one master-folder? Why can't I have a project in its own folder completly seperated?
adamscamden2 6 months ago
Ability to input math equations in feild and to parse them, for example for a length you could put 11+5 in the field and it puts 16.
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