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A simple question about DRC error.
490 4
mrpendent 1 year ago
I have built my PCB and am ready to send it to manufacturing. In doing that, I run the suggested DRC check and get a bunch of errors, like so: ![DRC Error message](// It looks like it's complaining that the solder pad goes right up to the hole (and even overlaps). You can see the LED there to the right (LED2 and LED5). There are 92 of these warnings (23 LEDs x 4 pads per LED), so I really think that is the complaint. These LEDs are reverse mount Neopixel LEDs, so I know the hole should look like that. Can these DRC messages be ignored, or is there something I need to do to correct it?
andyfierman 1 year ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. Your screenshots don't show an example of the footprint or the part number of the part in question. Please provide more supporting information about your question.
mrpendent 1 year ago
My apologies. I know you are busy. I assumed you could see the LED pad in the image I provided. I have made my project public now--here is the link: [https://oshwlab\.com/mrpendent/grimoire2\_copy\_copy](<br> <br> Thank you for your time!
andyfierman 1 year ago
@mrpendent, Sorry: My bad too. I missed that your Custom Properties showed all the info about the footprint. Seeing you project and running the DRC check live is still much mor informative though. The problem is that the footprint is poorly constructed: the pads protrude into the area drilled out for the hole. This can cause the copper to be smeared around the inside of the hole which can cause a number of problems depending one at what stage in the PCB fabrication process the holes are drilled. ![image.png](// To avoid this, all copper should have a clearance (specified in the Design Rules and informed by the PCB fab house's Capabilities and rules list) to holes and board edges. You need to find, edit or create a footprint where the pads are shaped to give the required clearance to the hole. Or maybe you can reduce the hole diameter. If you have to edit or create it, save it with a unique **Name** and a clear **Description** and assign it to the symbol in the schematic. Then do **Update PCB** to pull the new footprint into the PCB (and replace the old one).
mrpendent 1 year ago
Thank you very much. I suspected that was the case, so I will try to do that. Thanks again!
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