I am quite new to EasyEDA and LTSPICE, but I have noticed something which seems like it could be a bug.
I have a small project to simulate a filter from a particular radio
The spice simulation works, except I would like the baseline to be 0dB instead of -6dB. When I do this in
the desktop version of LTSPICE, the voltage source has this form:
V1 N001 0 SINE(0 1 14000k) AC 2
The AC 2 part is what makes the baseline be 0 dB instead of -6 dB, as I understand it.
Anyway, the line that seems to get sent by EasyEDA to LTSPICE says AC 1 0, as follows:
V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 1 0
If I edit the line in the schematic to end with AC 2 0 instead, EasyEDA still appends AC 1 0,
which yields
V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 2 0 AC 1 0
and the net effect is that there is no change.
So I have two questions. My main question is how to get EasyEDA to send the particular line I
want to LTSPICE? For my schematic in EasyEDA, that would be
V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 2 0
And I guess I am also open to suggestions about how to finagle the plot in EasyEDA to change
the baseline in other ways. More generally, I can do lots of customization in LTSPICE but in
the EasyEDA interface to it, what comes back seems fixed.
Thank you.
PS: I noticed also that the resulting plot is logarithmic on the frequency axis, but I specified
linear in the control-j dialog (and this is also seen in the .ac directive). Should it not be linear
in the frequency scale in the plot?
Please change the category of this topic to Bug Report.