You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
AC analysis parameters for SINE source
596 2
ae3k 5 years ago

I am quite new to EasyEDA and LTSPICE, but I have noticed something which seems like it could be a bug.

I have a small project to simulate a filter from a particular radio

The spice simulation works, except I would like the baseline to be 0dB instead of -6dB.  When I do this in
the desktop version of LTSPICE, the voltage source has this form:

V1 N001 0 SINE(0 1 14000k) AC 2

The AC 2 part is what makes the baseline be 0 dB instead of -6 dB, as I understand it.

Anyway, the line that seems to get sent by EasyEDA to LTSPICE says AC 1 0, as follows:

V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 1 0

If I edit the line in the schematic to end with AC 2 0 instead, EasyEDA still appends AC 1 0,
which yields

V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 2 0 AC 1 0

and the net effect is that there is no change.

So I have two questions.  My main question is how to get EasyEDA to send the particular line I
want to LTSPICE?  For my schematic in EasyEDA, that would be

V1 R1_1 GND SIN(0 1 14MEG 10M) AC 2 0

And I guess I am also open to suggestions about how to finagle the plot in EasyEDA to change
the baseline in other ways.  More generally, I can do lots of customization in LTSPICE but in
the EasyEDA interface to it, what comes back seems fixed.

Thank you.

PS: I noticed also that the resulting plot is logarithmic on the frequency axis, but I specified
linear in the control-j dialog (and this is also seen in the .ac directive).  Should it not be linear
in the frequency scale in the plot?

andyfierman 5 years ago

Please change the category of this topic to Bug Report.


ae3k 5 years ago

@andyfierman Okay, I did.


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