You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
A few little things
1524 8
martin 10 years ago
Hey there! I had to create a SSOP 36 package, and would like to share some notes: 1. Grid snapping: if I have grid snapping enabled, it really needs to apply to everything. I find it arbitrary (and annoying!) that lines don't snap, for example. Please, let me choose, based on how I set up my snapping! (Same with text in schematic, which I noted before!) If snapping options need to be improved to make this switch easier, so be it! And thanks for the ALT override! That's a nice addition (though I think it should be adjustable, not just 0.5x) 2. Can we have rectangles as a primitive? 3. Can we allow zooming to more than 2000%? On really small packages and a small grid/snap (like 0.05mm), it is needed. At 2000%, that grid is not visible, and the snapping is nearly at every pixel, making it difficult. 4. Maybe it's just the way it is, but I was surprised to see the Y axis is top to bottom, as opposed to the common bottom to top? As always, thanks for listening!
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, We really enjoy to listen. Thanks for sharing the SSOP 36 package :) >1) snapping everything. Making texts and lines unsnapped are supper easy for us, just need to remove some hack codes which allow them unsanpped. But in PCB, we should adjust texts and lines precion. Other fans of EasyEDA really enjoy unsnap texts and lines. Please check my Gif at the bottom to know why. We really like to allow you to config, but how to create a friendly attribute to config this? text/track snapped = Yes/No ? We should give the best for our users default. But there are two ways to allow you to snap the lines already, 1) select a track, then move the green dot to snap 2) Hold the Shift key, then move the line, it will be snap able. BTW, you would like to ALT to config? can U suggest an attribute for us , what about ALT snap size = xx mm ? >Can we have rectangles as a primitive? Can't understand this, do you mean you don't like to use line to simulate a RECT? >2000%? We guess 2000% is enough, but we can improve this later, thanks. I am supprised that why you config 0.05mm, is too small, we guess our users just need 5 mil. >as opposed to the common bottom to top? ^_^ ! If you don't like this, you should suffer this, we may hard to change this now. ![Alt text](//) Thanks your time
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, when I check the SSOP36 package via , The best snap size and grid size is 25mil or 0.65mm , then every pad will in a grid, you just need two minutes to create this package, and every to check every pad is right position. I don't know why you would like to set to 0.05mm, Can you tell me your reasons, maybe I miss somethings. Dillon thanks.
martin 10 years ago
Hey Dillon, "lines. Please check my Gif at the bottom to know why. We really like to allow you to config, but how to create a friendly attribute to config this? text/track snapped = Yes/No ? We should give the best for our users default. But there are two ways to allow you to snap the lines already, 1) select a track, then move the green dot to snap 2) Hold the Shift key, then move the line, it will be snap able." -- I think the current functionality is good (SHIFT). BUT! I find it really bad that the behaviour is reversed for some elements. In my opinion (as you know, with a good background in UI design!), you should make _everything_ behave the same. So I suggest: if SNAP is on, everything snaps, and allow SHIFT to temporarily invert the currently set behaviour. Best of both worlds. "Can't understand this, do you mean you don't like to use line to simulate a RECT?" -- Correct! "as opposed to the common bottom to top? ^_^ ! If you don't like this, you should suffer this, we may hard to change this now." Correct. Not the end of the world. Just weird! "The best snap size and grid size is 25mil or 0.65mm" Agree-- the only problem is that the snaps don't happen right on the grid line. Creating the SSOP36, I started with the SSOP28, and I had two choices: move ALL the pads and outlines, or set the grid to 0.05mm. Agree, probably not a common thing. But you should really make sure things snap RIGHT on the grid. I snapped a picture, but can't attach it here...
dillon 10 years ago to post an image, then give a link in here. I really like to snap everything, but there are some fans like these behave. A few years ago, EasyEDA snap everything, they suggested these features. Snap everything is very easy for us, but how many guys like to snap everything? We don't know! you know we just need to make most of users happy. Please give us some time to dig this. Thanks.
martin 10 years ago Note that the pads above and including the selected one are "snapped"... As for all the snapping stuff, while you are considering my request, please also consider that inconsistent behaviours in software lead to confusion and frustration. I think my suggestion of always snapping when snap is on and using SHIFT to temporarily disable, and going 'free form' when snap is off and snapping when holding SHIFT meets the requirements of good UI, and those of the initial users you mention. Thanks!
rodyne 10 years ago
Ref the snapping, I do not have any preference but I think Martin has a good point and I am happy to change to using the shift key Another option may be to change the snap setting options from "Yes" and "No" to "Full", "Partial" and "No Snap" This would also meet the goals of a good IU design and keep everyone happy :-)
martin 10 years ago
I dunno about "partial", that isn't immediately clear to the end user. I think just on/off and a hotkey to toggle either behaviour would be truly excellent, and hitting the key should visually change the state of the "on/off" button, so it's immediately clear, as you hold it down, what will happen.
dillon 10 years ago
We will try a new way, will realease it soon. Thanks.
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