You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
A sudden worry
1102 3
martin 10 years ago
Can you confirm that visibility of copper pours is only for display purposes, and not production? I imagine that's the case, but I got worried a second ago when SVG export produced no ground planes because of the visibility setting for ground pours being set to Invisible...
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, I am sure that **visibility of copper pours is only for display purposes**, I have cloned your MSP430 project and set to Invisible. My public project is here and the SVG output is here
andyfierman 10 years ago
I can also confirm that the copper pour is present in the Gerbers generated from Dillons public clone of your project.
martin 10 years ago
Hmmm, whew! Glad to hear that. I don't know what happened yesterday. Maybe I moved one of the points on the ground plane and had forgotten to regenerate it. More tests on that tonight to confirm. Thanks guys. Loving EasyEDA -- had to go back to Eagle yesterday to get a couple parts out of there and into EasyEDA. Ouch. I had forgotten just how painful the UI is in there!
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