Note : Topic originally posted under Schematic Capture
Being able to abandon an operation (with a single keystroke) and have all modified properties reinstated would be a good feature in Schematic Capture.
For example, currently using \<Esc> during a component move operation will abandon the command BUT it leaves the components on the screen wherever they happened to be when \<Esc> is pressed.
The improved behaviour would be for \<Esc> to abandon the move operation AND for the components to move back to where they were prior to the move.
This improved behaviour would more closely replicate how lots of other software behaves when \<Esc> is pressed i.e. it reinstates the original properties. <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">It would also reduce the number of keystrokes during schematic capture.</span>
<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">The behaviour could be extended to other operations.</span>