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About User Contributed Schematic Symbols and PCB Packages
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andyfierman 6 years ago
\*\*Edit: EasyEDA currently refer to "Packages"\, "PCB Packages"\, "PCB Libs" or "PCB Footprints" simply as Footprints\. \*\* **_Firstly, be aware that all user submitted symbols and packages are public so please take care when creating them and check them very carefully because a mistake may trash not just your design but that of everyone else who selects one of your symbols or packages!_** Users are not allowed to overwrite Schematic Symbols and PCB Packages (a.k.a. footprints) that they have not originally created because that would trash the System and LCSC libraries. Users _are_ allowed to: 1\. create new symbols and packages; 2. clone and edit existing symbols and packages. **For information on how to create and edit new symbols and packages please see Symbol Library and PCB Library in the Tutorial:** [](<br> <br> **To open an existing symbol and package for editing:** From the EELib: just double-left-click on the symbol; From the Shift+F libraries: search for then select the symbol or package then click the Edit button or just double-left-click or the symbol or package. Then follow the same procedure as when creating a new symbol or package. **_To avoid confusion, all user created new - or cloned and edited exisitng - symbols and packages must be saved with unique names._** They should also have a library **Description** which clearly describes the symbol or package and includes links to manufacturer's and/or supplier's device pages and datasheets. Datasheets must include fully dimensioned package and PCB footprint drawings. If necessary include links to additional datasheets, package and PCB footprint drawings. Schematic symbols in particular should include at least a Supplier, Supplier part number (this field opens under the Supplier field once a supplier name has been selected), Package and Manufacturer Part entered in the relevant attribute fields. It is helpful if two more attribute fields of **Manufacturer** and **Description** are added and completed using the **Add Parameter button** including ticking the **In BOM** option so that they show in the BOM): **![image.png](//** _Note that a Description added as an attribute to the symbol (or package) is local to that symbol (or package) and is only visible and editable when the symbol (or package) is being edited in the associated Schematic Lib (or PCB Lib) Editor or after being placed and selected in a schematic (or PCB). The content of this Description attribute is what is exported in the BOM._ _If this Description (or any other) attribute is edited in a symbol (or package) after placing it into a schematic (or PCB) then the changes are local to that instance of that symbol (or package) and they do not affect other instances of that symbol (or package) in that schematic (or PCB) and they do not affect the symbol (or package) in the library._ _This Description attribute does not appear as the library Description that is shown in the symbol or package when listed in Shift+F parts searches._ Once a symbol or package has been saved in the library, the library list should be **Refreshed** (or **Search** for the new symbol or package name) to list the new symbol or package. Select the new symbol or package and then do: **Right-click > Modify** to add or edit the library \*\*Description \*\*field\. _Remember that this library Description field is separate from - and therefore editing it has no effect on - the Description attribute of the symbol or package itself._ **_Lastly, remember that all user submitted symbols and packages are public so please take care when creating them and check them very carefully because a mistake may trash not just your design but that of everyone else who selects one of your symbols or packages!_** Thanks.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Thanks Andy
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