I would like to be able to convert DRC errors to warnings.
If often need to connect a net to some input pin, but dont need it to be really thick as that nets tracks mostly need to be. It could be 24V DC.
Its annoying to have to specify a net to be to thin, to have the danger of not making most tracks for that net wide enough. Using the Autorouter requires me to set the "worst case" width of the net.
On the other side, I also want to be able to route a thin track for that net to some low current sensing input, where width is not important.
So if I could just accept the DRC errors for this Segment and this Via and say its okay. So in future, these DRC errors are shown as yellow warnings, just to let me know they are there.
Or maybe there is already a fantastic workaround for this, I dont know of ?