You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Access an old file
586 6
n.doural 7 years ago
How can I access an old file? I bought a pcb designed with this program and will not let me open the file to edit it
andyfierman 7 years ago
* Can you see it in the **Project** list in the left hand panel? * Can you find it in: ? * If you can see it but still cannot open it, can you make the Project public or share it privately with Support?
support 7 years ago
Hi, You need to upgrade to the new version of EasyEDA, the new version is V4.9.3, refresh your editor a few times
n.doural 7 years ago
Sólo soy capaz de verlo en el apartado "module" y, aunque consigo abrirlo no me deja modificarlo. Además, si una vez abierto accedo con mi usuario, sale del proyecto. Necesito ese diseño porque tiene un error y lo quiero volver a pedir corregido. Gracias y un saludo
n.doural 7 years ago
I can only see it in the "module" section and, although I can open it, it will not let me modify it. In addition, if once I access with my user, sale of the project. I need that design because it has an error and I want it to be corrected again. Thanks and best regards
andyfierman 7 years ago
Some things to try. 1) Search for the module in `My Modules`. Click the `Edit` button. Can you now edit the module? 2) Open a new PCB. Search for the module in `My Modules`. Place the module into the new PCB. Save it. Are you able to edit it now? 3) Search for the module in `My Modules`. Clone and rename it. Search again with the new name. Click on the`Edit` button. Can you edit it now?
n.doural 7 years ago
Muchas gracias, lo he conseguido con la segunda opción.
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