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Active Low Pin in Schematic Lib
1793 4
mail2ryanjones 6 years ago
How does one add an active low pin to a schematic lib? Thanks, Ryan
Tutorials 6 years ago
If you just need to indicate it, you can add "#" in its name.
andreasbernhofer 5 years ago
@Tutorials Is this just a convention or does it actually change anything? I've read that in Eagle prefixing with ! actually renders a line above the pin in the symbol.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@andreasbernhofer , @Tutorials, Adding a character to a **netname** in EasyEDA is just a convention. At present, it has no effect on the displayed text or on interpretation of the netlist. * Note however that the **tilde** character cannot be used since it is used as part of the JSON file syntax and so is not displayed correctly in schematics, PCBs and forum posts. To indicate an active low input or output on a **Schematic Lib** (a.k.a. **Schematic Symbol**), set the "Dot" attribute to "Yes". This will add a small circle to a pin to indicate a logical inversion: ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
MikeDB 5 years ago
Note that the use of a circle to denote inversion was deprecated 40 years ago. The ANSI/IEEE standard is to use a half-triangle.  See for example page 2 of []( Of course for most people this isn't a problem so Andy's method is fine, but if you are supplying work to large companies, not using the standards may fail you on their QA standards.
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