You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Add into BOM = No, stil include it
4740 8
carlberg 3 years ago
It seem that even though I have set that a component to not be included in BOM, it still is added (not always though) and appears in the page when clicking BOM in EasyEDA. Similar problem is that I by mistake once added a component and placed it before I removed it again.. This component some times appears in when in the page clicking BOM in EasyEDA. Not a big problem, just annoying.. Best Regards -Anders
andyfierman 3 years ago
Generate the BOM from the Schematic instead of from the PCB.
carlberg 3 years ago
Components that are marked "Add into BOM: No" are still generated into the .csv BOM file.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@carlberg, Sorry but I cannot reproduce this behaviour. Please study the attribute settings and the BOM .csv file outputs when generated using the **Fabrication > BOM...** menu options from both the Schematic and from the PCB in this demonstration project: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=db5e69dd957a461998663cf9859b788c\|dffc902c3c2b44b79c2dd5f48da362c1](|dffc902c3c2b44b79c2dd5f48da362c1)<br> <br> BOM generated from Schematic: ![image.png](// BOM generated from PCB: ![image.png](// If the problem persists for you, try updating your EasyEDA version.
UserSupport 3 years ago
PCB doesn't include Add into BOM property yet, it will be supported at next released
nearfield 1 year ago
Experienced a similar issue where a component didn't appear in the BOM whatever setting (true/false) was selected in the schematic view. Even after saving the changes. The componenet was added to the BOM after cutting and pasting a net port connected to that component. Could replicate the issue afterwards. Withou a pre and post copy of the project i could prove the existance of the issue.
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, do you mean that the component is still not displayed in the bom file after it is added to the bom table? Could you record an operation video and send it to my email? I will check it for you.Email Address:[](。 I look forward to hearing from you!
omidalavi 5 months ago
Hello, I also found that issue. But the point is to check the checkbox in the BOM list generator page: ![](//)
andyfierman 5 months ago
@omidalavi, What you have posted is true but applies to EasyEDA PRO and not, as in this particular section of the forums, EasyEDA STD.
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