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Add track length measurement between any two nodes on multi-node contiguous and branched tracks.
932 1
andyfierman 6 years ago
At present (180818), it is is only possible to measure either 1\. the length of a single track segment or\, 2\. the sum of the lengths of all track segments in a multi segment track\, irrespective of whether the overall track is a single continuous trace or is a set of branching segments connecting multiple nodes (pads or vias). It is not possible to measure the length of a set of contiguous track segments between an arbitrary pair of nodes. The series of screenshots below illustrates the problem. Click on a single net segment: ![image.png](// The length of that single segment is shown. Click on a net segment and then press "H" to highlight the whole track: ![image.png](// The whole net is highlighted and what looks like the total length of all segments is shown. Click on a net segment and then CTRL+click on another contiguous segment to highlight a branch between two nodes: ![image.png](// No length is shown. Now go to the Design Manager and click on the net: ![image.png](// The whole net is highlighted and what looks like the total length of all segments is shown again.
rom1nux 5 years ago
Hello, Yes, I agree, an option to get the part of track length will be a good thing for track tuning. (Imagine a clock signal shared my multiple pea. It's diffculte to tune this track without juggling with the name of the tra~~~~ck in schematic this involve less clear schematic and/or more error)
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