You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Add PCB to Cart from Project Page
940 2
Sarev0k 6 years ago
Once my project is complete, I intend to publish instructions so others can build the same project. One of those instructions will be to order a PCB from EasyEDA with a link to my project page. However, going from the project page to ordering the PCB is a little more complicated than I'd like. Starting from the project page, here are the steps you have to go through: * Scroll down to the PCB section * Click "Open in Editor" * Save the PCB * Click the "Gerber Output..." button * Ignore the warning and click OK. * Ignore all the options on the order page and click "Save to Cart" Would it be possible to add a button to the project page so the above steps can be simplified to: * Click the "Add PCB to Cart" button Thanks
dillon 6 years ago
OK, I think it is a good idea, but some times, our users will forget some thing, we hope them can double check. Thanks
andyfierman 6 years ago
I think this is a good idea *as long as the PCB is known to be absolutely correct*. We cannot stress enough how important it is for all our users to very carefully check their work. We see a lot of posts about - and Gerber files for - PCBs with mistakes in them. Most of these mistakes could have been avoided by careful checking of the Schematic before conversion to PCB and of the PCB before submission for order. To help our users, we have two checklists, one for each of these steps. Please see (4), (5) and (6) in:
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