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Adjust traces now always moves entire trace no tune of segments possible
407 4
Schamzee 4 years ago
Hi, Just found out as I started laying out a new board, before I could adjust the traces by just draging them and only that segment of trace would be affected, now this behaviour is only if I move a via connected to the trace, the traces are adjusted. but trying to fine adjust a trace, now the entire trace moves, no adjustment possible. Now very difficult to do tricky routing where everything needs to be really tight and conform to everything. Please change back this behaviour. BR Schamzee
antogar 4 years ago
Hi to everybody, I confirm this behaviour, it was very useful adjusting traces just dragging net segments... Now it is very difficult the track optimizing phase after the placement and first routing loop. Hope to revert back to previous release. BR antogar
antogar 4 years ago
Hi Schamzee, clearing the browser cache and the problem seems to be solved! Bye :)
Schamzee 4 years ago
Thanks, tried the desktop client and there it is working as usual, thanks for the tip on cache. BR Schamzee
SvenStrobbe 4 years ago
@antogar Since Yesterday i also started having that issue. I use the Desktop Version. Clear the cach regularly but as i use the desktop version that has no influence. So i still seem to have that issue, bin looking through all the settings to see if there might be something changed but no luck there.
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